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We are now offering our signature SUP Yoga classes as PRIVATE 1-on-1 lessons! • Aqua Firma (SUP and indoor practice) • Aquanimous Yoga • Aqua Restore • Aqua Sati Meditation We can cater to a maximum of 3 participants for our Aqua Firma INDOOR practice using our specialized stability boards...

Muscles position the joints in a yoga pose and align the bones. Although we can use gravity and other forces to attain the general shape of the asana, the instability of the board in Aqua Firma activates certain muscles to provide precision. Aside from engaging agonist...

Typically, agonist/antagonist relationships involve muscles contracting and relaxing on opposite sides of a joint, creating a biomechanical Yin/Yang. One muscle contracts to move the joint in a certain direction while another opposes that movement and stretches during this action. For example, when the knee extends, the...

Our intention in Aquanimous Yoga is to offer sincere seekers a road map for awakening an inner life that can become a nourishing vehicle for a kinder, healthier, more attuned way of being. We believe that awareness and equanimity teachings are a way in and...

[vc_video link='']     Samskara, the root of suffering, is a Sanskrit word used to describe repetition without consciousness. To overcome unskillful repetition is why we practice repetitively with awareness and equanimity....

Drawing from philosopher Ken Wilber's concepts about the contrasting importance of both mother love & father love, I see the Yin (chandra-based) practices as developing our inner mother love & the Yang (surya-based) practices as fostering healthy father love. Mother love is connected with beingness; father...