Makati Shangri-La, Manila
Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa City 1780, Philippines
Beginner Series Archives - Aquanimous Yoga
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Beginner Series

In Aquanimous Yoga, we believe that BALANCE and STABILITY are the cornerstone of quality movement, and AWARENESS and EQUANIMITY are the fundamental tools for conscious living. Balance and stability are highly overlooked skills in the world of yoga and fitness. Most do not include it in...

You may now purchase and stream our Beginner Courses online. 1) Surya Flow 2) Chandra Flow 3) Sattvic Rest 4) Lotus Meditation *Bonus: Introduction to Gut Wellness DM us for more info ? “The courses are amazing! I’m actually excited to wake up early in the morning to practice. Really, really thank...

We are offering our Beginner Series as a four-part online course starting next month! Each course in this series runs for 10 days and comes with a FREE 10-Day Lotus Meditation (Aqua Sati) course, and an introduction to Gut Wellness. AY is a comprehensive holistic approach...