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Diwata: A Wild Woman Archetype - Aquanimous Yoga
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Diwata: A Wild Woman Archetype

Diwata: A Wild Woman Archetype

According to author and poet Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D, the Wild Woman archetype is an endangered species and is highly misunderstood. It doesn’t mean a woman who shows her wild side, has promiscuous sex, or experiments with drugs.

On the contrary, she is a highly evolved creature with discerning taste, style, and opinions. She is someone who lets her emotions flow like a river, is picky with her friends but is very protective of them, and rejects the rules of the patriarchal society we live in.

I would like to call her Diwata – a Filipino term for a muse or mythical figure who resides in nature. She is filled with good instincts, has passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. She represents the intuitive and instinctual nature of women.

Within every woman, there lives a Diwata but society’s attempt to “civilize” us into rigid roles has muffled the deep, life-giving messages of our own souls.

People may think she is a woman to be feared because she’s dangerous, probably crazy and too much to handle. And in a sense, it’s true.

She’s too much for someone who isn’t ready to show up fully and check their ego at the door. She’s too much for someone who would rather have small talk than go deep.

She’s too much if you expect her to hold back her opinions and emotions to protect yourself from meeting her there.

But trust this: she is the safest, most authentic and loving type of woman you’ll ever meet. She doesn’t hold back. There are no surprises. You’ll meet her and she’ll let you see her for who she is.

She trusts her own worthiness enough to reveal herself to you and let you decide whether or not you’d like to walk with her.

She doesn’t hide parts of herself in an attempt to keep your love and approval because she doesn’t have time for inauthentic connections that lack depth and meaning.

She will invite you to love all parts of yourself. She will accept and support you in that place, because she has done the work to accept herself there ?

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