14 Apr Somatics and Aquanimous Yoga
One of the reasons that we have so easily poisoned the soil, polluted the waters, and contaminated the air is that we’re out of touch with our bodies.
One of the reasons that aggression and conflict so quickly precipitate to violence is that we’re out of touch with our bodies.
And one of the reasons there’s a growing gap between the small percentage of those that have and the large percentage that are marginalized is that we are out of touch with our bodies.
When we are out of touch with our bodies we can no longer feel. When we can’t feel we’re unable to feel others, and all of life. When this occurs compassion is compromised and doing harm comes more easily to us.
This anesthesia of feeling has now become an emotional plague that threatens our social and environmental fabric.
The path of Somatics – feeling our “livingness” – is part of the solution to reinvigorate our capacity for skillful action, grounded compassion, and pragmatic wisdom.
Aquanimous Yoga and Somatic Meditation can guide us on this path of awakening.
Join our online Yoga classes every MWF from 6-7pm (GMT+8) and Somatic Meditation every Sunday morning from 9:30-10am to get started. DM us for more details ?
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