14 Mar Somatic Meditation
Somatic meditation means “of the body” in contrast to “of the mind” or the psyche. The Soma points us to the raw material of the human body rather than the mind. We connect with the inherent, self-existing wakefulness that is already present within our body itself.
In contrast to conventional approaches that emphasize entry through the conscious mind and following conceptual instruction templates, Somatic Meditation develops a meditative consciousness that is accessed through the feelings, sensations, somatic intuition, and felt sense of the body itself.
From here, we can realize that the ultimate meditative state is not found outside, above, or in some other place, but is discovered as the most essential and profound reality of this very human body of ours, just waiting for us to awaken to it.
Once we experience our body as an intelligent, communicating whole, we will see that it has, in fact, much information for us, for our conscious ego, about what our human experience means – where it may be directing us – and also about how we can live our lives in light of that experience on the practical levels.
In Somatic Meditation, we meet the body as a coherent intelligence with a point of view, a process with direction, a source of wisdom, and a limitless benevolence. We see now that it holds and “wants” to protect our entire person; and it constantly communicates information, whether about our own innermost journey, about what is ultimately real in this present existence of ours, or about how to handle specific situations in our lives. It is a supremely intelligent dynamism, a living force, a supreme guardian and guide in our own process of living, loving and unfolding.
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