Makati Shangri-La, Manila
Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa City 1780, Philippines
BEGINNER SERIES - Aquanimous Yoga
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This is our initial step in developing a neutral body and an equanimous mind. Our approach entails a very specific method for integrating corrective movements into our AY Practice.

Why is there a need for corrective movement? It really boils down to one key reason: HABITS—usually the result of daily routine, injury, or emotional trauma—and its role in the development of non-optimal posture and movement.

We all house a collection of compensations in our bodies and these compensations influence our movements. The way we move on the SUP reveals the strategies we use to stabilize our core in everyday tasks. In AY Basics, we help you identify your current non-optimal habits that are contributing to your physical compensations and how they impact your movements.

From this information, we help you develop more optimal habits and incorporate these changes into fundamental movement patterns.

There are three distinct phases in AY Basics:

1. Release

2. Activation

3. Integration

Your own personal experience holds the key for unlocking a neutral body and an equanimous mind as you pass through personal patterning.

AY Basics focuses on structural core awareness and exploration so you may discover that you can operate from a place of deep strength and soft power. This forms the basis for spontaneous expression and an alternative way of being, with the intention to draw out a deeper experience by enhancing your ability to ‘go into yourself’ and to use this as a primary foundation for your AY Practice.



The first phase of AY Basics is to release the region in which you have restrictions that are preventing you from accessing the ideal muscles and/or movement patterns. Tightness, in this case, is a neurological issue that can only be balanced by re-education. Here, we will guide you through some of the most important somatic movement techniques that we employ in Aquanimous Yoga to re-educate your nervous system and release chronic muscle tension as well as deeply learned movement patterns that could damage your body and cause pain.


In this phase, we focus on the development of an optimal core stabilization strategy. This is derived from our abilty to align the diaphragms, perform optimal breathing, and coordinate respiration with activation of the deep myofascial system. When we develop an optimal core stabilization strategy, we can maintain our posture and move with greater ease, and there is less likelihood of developing the compensatory strategies that lead to tightness, dysfunction, and eventually pain.


Once the myofascial restrictions and/or gripping issues have been addressed and you’ve learned how to stabilize your trunk, spine, hips and shoulders you will learn how to integrate your newly acquired range of motion, alignment, breathing, and control strategy into fundamental movement patterns. This third phase is crucial in changing long-term postural and movement habits; if it is neglected, your nervous system will often revert to its original non-optimal habit state.